National Natural Science Foundation of China [61625104, 61971065]; Scientific Research Foundation of Hunan Provincial Education Department [23B0413]; Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province [2024JJ6390]; PhD Scientific Research Start-up Fund of University of South China [200XQD070]; Hunan Province Key Laboratory for Ultra [2018TP1041]; University of South China
A high-accuracy optical vector network analyzer (OVNA) based on optical carrier-suppressed double sideband (CS-DSB) modulation is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The +/- 1st-order sideband signals are generated by CS-DSB modulation and then pass through the symmetric optical device under test (DUT). The band-stop or band-pass responses can be realized by detecting and processing the double frequency of the driven RF signal. Compared with the conventional symmetrical DSB-based OVNA, the measurement accuracy is improved by eliminating the errors caused by the even-order sidebands, and ...